Mississippi here we come.
Let the journey begin
4-15-2021 – 9:00 Am
Mississippi here we come. We pulled out of our Panacea campsite, ready for the next phase of our journey. After topping off the gas tank we head out for Philadelphia Mississippi, 400 miles away. A storm front was heading our way but it didn’t worry me, I saw it as a good thing, our truck had a heavy load on it and the rain would help keep the engine cool.
Everything went along smoothly until north of Selma Alabama. We wanted to stop for something to eat, so we pull into a restaurant that seemed to have a circular driveway, perfect! not really. The driveway wasn’t circular, it ended behind the building, However, there was room to turn around. Leaving the restaurant was where things went wrong, The driveway was a little steep coming in but we managed it with no problem, but when leaving, the angle was different, so the underside of the camper made contact with the pavement taking out both of the rear stabilizer jacks.
The bright spot in all this is I was going to replace them anyway. We were now in the hill country for sure, so this was a lesson learned. When pulling a 33-foot camper don’t turn up steep driveways. We made it to our destination at 7:30 Pm, glad to stop for the day.
Welcome to frog level campground
After a good night’s rest, we were eager to find new stabilizer jacks for the camper. When we arrived at the campground we met some friendly folks that knew the area well, they told us of a place not far away that should have what we needed. So, we were off to Meridian Mississippi, about 35 miles away. If you’re in the area and need anything for your Rv, check out Back Country Rv center, very friendly and helpful people.
The 9th grade revisited
Linda and her husband Jim live nearby, they are the reason we came to this part of the country. Linda and I met in the 9th grade, a friendship that has lasted for 43 years is family, we know we are home when we get to Jim and Linda’s house.
They suggested we have dinner at a place called the Porterhouse. The Porterhouse isn’t just a steak house, they have a fabulous menu with something sure to delight your tastebuds. The atmosphere is very relaxed, simple but elegant at the same time, they have great background music to accompany your dining experience. I’ve never had a better steak anywhere, an excellent place to eat, they do it upright. I give it a 12 on the 1 to 10 scale.
Philadelphia Mississippi
We took a couple of days off to simply relax and enjoy ourselves. The temperature has been a little cold for riding so we took a tour of the area with the truck, the upside is we went to places we typically wouldn’t go on the bikes, but, we have all summer for riding. Here are a few pics of some cool places we found here in Philadelphia Mississippi.
Hi Donnie, thank you for your comment regarding our site, visit anytime.
Hi Charles, sorry you’re having trouble with my spelling, I use Grammarly, they clean up anything I miss.